Using the last biometric technology, winner of international awards, Acronym has developed the Evolution 3 Bio. This time clock is extremely fast and accurate on fingerprint reading. It has a large capacity of data storage for the presence control.
This fingerprint-based technology prevents the employees of making registrations for the colleagues, in addition to eliminating the usual excuse of the forgotten card.
The Evolution 3 Bio can also be used for access control, preventing access of unauthorized persons to buildings and facilities. All movements within critical areas can be easily monitored and registered in a database.
Its operation is extremely simple. To make a registration, simply place your finger on the sensor. In case the employee is authorized, his name appears on the screen. Optionally, and for added security, you can make the user to insert a PIN code on the keyboard or a card before the fingerprint.
It communicates by TCP/IP through the Ethernet 10Base-T standard, which allows it to communicate over long distances and connect multiple terminals on the same network. There is also the possibility of working completely isolated from the network, making the registers collection and updating the employees information through a SD card.
In case of a power failure, the internal UPS is automatically activated, guaranteeing a completely autonomous operation for at least 4 hours.
It also has a connector for sirens or bells activation, signaling the start and end of working hours and another to control the activation of electric locks or tourniquets.
This time clock shares all the Evolution 3 features and also come equipped with an internal RFID proximity card reader.
The registration of new fingerprints is done in the terminal very easily. If there is more than a time clock in the same company, the employees only need to register in one of them.
To each user can additionally be assigned an access time that precludes the use of the terminal by the user out of his schedule.
Thanks to its keyboard, the Evolution 3 Bio allows to store incidents, service outs and task control.
The Evolution 3 Bio is then the best solution on the market in terms of price-quality ratio and is indicated for time control, access control and also for scheduling and monitoring visits.